Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Disclaimer

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At, we operate as an aggregator of content sourced from third-party publicly accessible websites. As such, we are committed to adhering to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") and ensuring compliance with copyright laws. This page outlines our policies and procedures regarding copyright infringement claims.

Content Origin:

All content available on is sourced from third-party publicly accessible websites. We do not host any content on our servers. Instead, we embed videos and links from these external sources, providing a platform for users to access content conveniently.

Non-Endorsement of Content:

We do not exercise control over the content hosted on third-party sites, nor do we endorse or guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or legality of such content. Consequently, we cannot be held liable for any copyright infringement or legal issues arising from content hosted on external platforms.

Limited Removal Authority:

Due to the nature of our platform as an aggregator of content from third-party sites, we do not have the authority to remove content directly from these sites. Any requests for content removal should be directed to the respective third-party website hosting the content.